Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Keeping Your Balance – Aerial Tutorial

The first thing I teach, after teaching How to Get on the Hoop, is how to keep your balance.
Finding your balance is very important both physically and mentally. You need to learn how to find your balance in each position on the hoop (as in life :) ) and so this is a good way to start.

Also, when you take 1-2 minutes to find your balance, you actually prepare yourself to start practice. It's like the mental process you go through when you warm up.
This balance that I bring on this tutorial is similar to the Navasana pose in yoga:
photo was taken from Wikipedia

You sit on your sitting bones, which is the lower part of your pelvis:

photo was taken from the website

So here's the tutorial, please let me know what you think:

Emily Cage

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